
This is what I have my degree in and what I ultimately tell people I do for a living. The title itself is so vague as it's a broad term used to describe a myriad of different jobs. I've tried to learn all the skills one might associate with the title of Graphic Designer.

This began as a hobby of mine when I needed to take photos of the costumes and clothes I was making. Whenever I asked for someone else to do it for me, I hated the results. So I learned that if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. This part of my portfolio includes shoots I've directed as well as photographed myself.

Cartoons and portraits is what I've been known for all my life, since grade school all the way to college. It is what gained my nickname/alias and what got me into my current career path. I have yet to make it my livelihood, I use it as a supplement to my design jobs, but mostly it's used as an outlet, a treasured hobby I pick up now and again.

In high school I took the Costume Design course all 4 years and was involved in numerous plays within Long Beach Unified School District. It was an elective that shaped my school and social life during my teen/early 20's. From it I gained many freelance jobs and priceless experiences and beloved networking opportunities. I still dabble in it as a pastime and am a big fan of creating costumes and "cosplays" for Halloween as well as Con season, you'll often find me dressing someone up for WonderCon and Comic-Con.

Below is a portfolio that I bring to most job interviews that showcases the best out of the above categories. It's a large file so this slide presentation was meant to be seen as printed. I also have a smaller pdf version that I send to those that request portfolios alongside applications. Feel free to contact me to request the smaller file.
